The Auto SE is controlled by the Auto Soft software that controls all HORIBA Jobin Yvon ellipsometers.
Auto Soft is Multilanguage software which integrates very intuitive interfaces based on the use of icons and internet like hyperlink navigation.
The software fits the needs of three types of user :
- OPERATOR using a simple interface for routine thin film control
- ENGINEER with a large variety of analysis functions to optimize results and/or experimental recipes.
- SERVICE with an interface for detection and diagnostic of possible problems with the system.
Auto Soft integrates a large database of applications. Recipes are available for microelectronics, displays, photovoltaics, optical coatings, biotechnology as well as many other thin film applications. These families of Experimental Recipes allow the fully automated analysis of thin film samples with single push button operation.
The sample analysis takes only a few seconds and provides a complete report that fully describes the thin film stack – including film thicknesses, optical constants (n,k), surface roughness and film inhomogeneities.
Users can easily customize the family classification as well as expand the recipe database.