The UVISEL-2 spectroscopic ellipsometer is of phase modulated design, and the instrument uses a photoelastic modulator (PEM) to modulate the polarisation of the light beam at 50kHz rather than a rotating element operating at a few Hz.
The UVISEL-2 phase modulated ellipsometer has no moving parts during signal acquisition, allowing very high measurement precision and no beam rotation.
The UVISEL-2 phase modulated delivers excellent precision and sensitivity across the full range of Y and D angles, even when D is in the range 0¨¬ – 20¨¬ or 160¨¬ – 180¨¬ where rotating type ellipsometers suffer from poor performance, and when Y is close to 45¨¬.
The reason for this is that phase modulated ellipsometers measure the quantities:
Is = sin(2. Y).sin(D) and Ic = sin(2. Y).cos (D) (configuration II) or
Is = sin(2. Y).sin(D) and Ic = cos(2. Y) (configuration III),
rather than the values tan(Y) and cos(D) measured by a rotating type ellipsometer. As rotating ellipsometers measure cos(D) the precision and accuracy on D can be suspect for some parts of the angle domain. For the UVISEL-2 phase modulated ellipsometer the accuracy and precision on Y and D is excellent across the full range. Changing the configuration from configuration II to configuration III is automatic as the analyser and modulator are mounted on high precision stepper motors.
This can be very important when measuring very thin and / or highly transparent films. In addition the UVISEL-2 software will automatically take the backside reflection from a transparent sample into account when modelling the data. |